MSI-OWG current members
Andy Tseng (Human Serum Metabolome Project, Un of Manchester, UK)
Bertram Ludaescher (UCDavis Genome Center, US)
Chris Taylor (EBI and HUPO-PSI)
Daniel Schober (EBI)
Dennis Rubtsov (Un of Cambridge, UK)
Helen Atherton (Un of Cambridge, UK)
Helen Jenkins (Un of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK)
Irena Spasic (Center for Integrative Systems Biology, Manchester, UK)
Larissa Soldatova (University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK)
Lori Querengasser (Un of Alberta)
Martin Scholz (UCDavis Genome Center, US)
Matej Oresic (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Oliver Fiehn (UCDavis Genome Center, US), MSI Oversight Committee Chair
Philippe Rocca-Serra (EBI and MGED Society)
Ricardo Pietrobon (Duke University) , MSI OWG co-Chair
Susanna-Assunta Sansone (EBI and MGED Society), MSI OWG co-Chair
This website is maintained by Daniel Schober: schober[at]ebi.ac.uk